Tuesday, November 22, 2011 |
Message from Dr.Sampath, 1974 to 1980 Batch of TvMC
Message from Dr.Sampath, 1974 to 1980 Batch of TvMC
I am Dr.Sampath of 1974 Batch-I am Trivandrum.Just happened to see this page and want to thank those who have really took the pain to make a page like this and appreciate them from the depth of my heart.I am in Trivandrum practicing on my own as well as a part of ISRO,Terumopenpal an MNC and Abhaya a charitable institution for the mentally handicapped and deranged.Wd like to include the photo of my batch mates. Love and regards to all those good old pals of mine from all the batches of my time.
Hello,I am Dr.Sampathof 1974 batch was a footballer sportsman and a musician of my time at campus.I just happened to see this page.An wonderful job and hats off to those dear souls who had took the pain to establish a page like this.I am at Trivandrum.What should I do to include the photo of my batchmates? Regards to all of you.
I belong to the 1974 Batch.I express my sincere thanks to all tose who took the pain to make a page like this. I really appreciate your work.i accidently found this when I was brouwsing for some this else. I am at Trivandrum. Love to all my batch mates and all who know me. Dear Sir,
Please send your photos to bruno@nellaimedicos.comLabels: 1974to1980_Batch
posted by Bruno @ 12:41 AM   |
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