New Website in Cardiology by Dr.Refai
Dear all,
I have developed a website related to Cardiology- information about heart conditions, treatment and advice. This is mainly aimed at patients and relatives in India who would like to get more information, as I feel the information given to them is limited. The information here are collected from various sources and put on a single website. This may be helpful for your family or friends. Have a look at the website which is
and spread the message to those this may be of help. I would be keen to get your suggestion and feedback about this website, as I am planning to develop this further to include information for health care professionals.
You can either reply to drrefai@yahoo.com or via the "contact us" section on the website.
Thanks and Regards
RefaiLabels: 1993to1999_Batch, Cardilogy, Career, Website
posted by புருனோ Bruno @ 7:22 AM   |
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Thursday, October 23, 2008 |
1984-1990 Batch-2nd Preparative meet for SJC 2009
Dynamic Batch - MISS 99 DATE: 18.10.2008
Meeting held at Marthandam, IMA hall.

DATE: 18.10.2008
Meeting held at Marthandam, IMA hall.
Dr.Kaveri kannan welcomed the executive members.
Dr.Jeyalal, Dr.Balaganeshkumar, Dr.Peter, Dr.Chelian, Dr.Kaverikannan, Dr.Isac Newton, Dr.Jesu Anandaroopan, Dr.suresh, Dr.Anburajan, Dr.Adamshaikali & Dr.Avudaiappan have participated the Meeting.
- Celebrations dates– 18 & 19th July 2009 confirmed.The importance for better mutual understanding between the family members of all our the members (Batch mates, spouses and kids) is to be given prime importance .
- Stay in an outdoor – Picnic spot may be highly useful for the above mentioned Family members understanding and mingling.
- Kovalam – Udhaya samudra Holiday Resorts was proposed by Dr.Balaganesh Kumar, which was accepted by most of the members present, who are aware of the Picnic spot already.
- All the members will be informed to meet on 18.07.09, Saturday morning 10 am at the Picnic spot.
- The Holiday resorts may charge about Rs.4000/- per family for 24 hrs stay including the break-fast. Enough rooms are available there. Three Swimming pools, Conference halls of various capacities, Auditoriums and all necessary arrangements can be got from there.
- The place is just 10-15 km distance from Trivandrum Airport.
It is decided to rearrange all committees for more convenience and better cooperation. All committees should have a Chairman – in charge, who will select five more members atleast for better planning and execution. This will be intimated within two days.
- Zonal incharge persons may be given responsibilities in organizing the members in their respective zonal areas.
- SOUVENIER books as well as CDs are to be prepared for distribution.Saturday – 2to 5 pm – Programmes for Kids. Night – Orchestra and other campfire programmes.
- Sunday – Morning – informal programmes and dispersal after lunch.Each family should pay Rs.9999.99 (Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninty Nine and ninty nine paise) as their contribution.
- Dr.Anand's Endowment Surgery Gold medal - can be avoided. Instead the fecibility of putting the amount as fixed deposite on his children names or naming the Green valley programme after his name or any other better way of honoring him can be decided latter in the next meeting.
- Special interest may be given for Overseas friends during the Get together to share their lifestyles and experiences.
- CME programme & Felicitation of our respected TEACHERS may be arranged in TvMCH after the 2 days stay in outdoor spot. Giving enough time for the members to take the spouses and their kids back to home. And then may turn back to TVMCH for the CME & Teachers felicitations.
- Dr.Jeyaraj Duraipandian, who has become the honourable Board member in Department of Neurology to be honoured.Dr.Jeyalal, who has become the Honourable National Secretary of IMA - also to be honored in the get together.
- It is decide to have the next meeting at the picnic spot itself for better planing before the end of November. Before the next meeting almost all the members should be informed through post and their opinions can be sought regarding the programme and the itenaries.In the next meeting all the programmes should be finalized.
- Dr.Jeyalal has presented mementos to all the participants on behalf of the meeting organisers and given the vote of Thanks.
Our Batchmates Group ID: miss99_tvmch@yahoogroups.com; Join this group & share.
You are also requested to look up the yahoo group ID for photos of our friends and family and also to upload your photos.
Thankyou. The minutes were recorded by Dr.Avudaiappan Labels: 1984to1990_Batch
posted by Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni @ 4:23 PM   |
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Friday, October 17, 2008 |
1984 to 1990 Batch – 18th OCT 2008 Second meeting for Silver Jubilee Preparation
Dynamic Batch MISS 99 Place: Rotary Community Hall, Marthandam. Date : 18.10.2008 Time: 8 PM
Contact Person:Dr.Bala Ganesh-9443692999
If you are not able to come, you can share your thoughts through e-mail or phone. Kindly share e-mail IDs, addresses and phone numbers of our batch mates. Mail ID :anburajandoctor@gmail.com Phone no :9442612138 Our Group ID:miss99_tvmch@yahoogroups.com With Love Dr.R.AnburajanLabels: 1984to1990_Batch
posted by Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni @ 12:26 PM   |
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