V.P.Nagarajan - First Batch Writes in
It is nice to hear from Dr Kulam. I also belong to first batch.durig our 1st year at TVMC(2nd yr MBBS)my room mate was Dr.Kulam,along with Subramania Pillai. Most students did not have radio.No TV in the country, of course. Luckily our room mate Dr.Pillai had a transistor.We listened to his radio when Armstrong landed in ihe moon. V.P.Nagarajan,florida,US.TEL.352-596 7815 Note : All Articles related to thi sbatch can be found at 1965 to 1971 Batch of TvMCLabels: 1965to1971_Batch
We are planning to have a reunion for 1st batch[1965-1971] students of TVMC. It will be held at Courtallum in early part of March 2012. For info. call me.U.S.phone 352 596 7815,[eMail- nagarajanvp@yahoo.com] You may also call.Dr.Balagurusamy 9842158257, Dr.E.M,Mohamed Ismail 9600095067,Dr.Amaladevi 9443928218.
Posted by Nagarajan