Monday, March 31, 2008 |
UK TVMC Family get together is on 10/05/2008 at Northampton
UK TvMC Family meet 2008
On At
- Fun events for children
- Competitions for ladies
- Football and Cricket for men
- Grand lunch and dinner
Don’t miss Get your gossips ready
For Further Details call
- Hari 07838197892,
- Sriram 07740594686
- Bazur07971471915,
- Abu 07984864176
Dr.Sriram Writes
Dear All Our next UK TVMC Family get together is on 10/05/2008 at Northampton. Get ready. Change your oncalls. Book the travel lodge in that area as Bazur and Abu(big) are working hard to make it a memorable one. there is a late night party also and you may not be able to drive after that. get ready and inform all your friends. R Sriraman (1984 Batch) Specialist Registrar General Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology Poole General Hospital Poole BH15 2JB
Click here for the Update on 2006 September Leicester ReUnion of Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni in UK.
Click here for the Photo Album of 2006 September Leicester ReUnion of Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni in UK.Labels: Alumni_Meet, Reunion, UK
posted by Bruno_புருனோ @ 10:11 AM   |
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Hi All TvMCiates in UK,
Make sure you are available for our meet on the 10th of May.
K.Ramesh shankar [ 1984 -90 batch ]
Update of 1984 - 1990 batch in UK
1.Dr.Bazurullahkhan currently working as a partnership GP in Wellingborough,Northamptonshire, UK completed his MBBS, MS [ General Surgery ] in India followed by MRCS and MRCGP in UK. He is happily married and blessed with a daughter. 2. Dr.Chitra is married and working as a GP in UK. 3. Dr.IndraSujatha completed her MBBS, MD [ O&G ] in India and is currently working in the same speciality in UK as a staff specialist.She is happily married with two children. 4 Dr.Krishnamoorthy completed his MBBS and MD [ Anaesthesia ] from India and is currently working as a Specialist Registrar in Anaesthetics in Manchester rotation. He is happily married and blessed with a daughter. 5. Dr.Manohar Jesuraj completed his MBBS from India and went to Belgium and ended up in UK.He finished his MRCS and FRCS [ urology ] and currently working as an Associate Specialist in Urology in Middlesborough, UK. He is happily married with two children. 6.Dr.Ramesh Shankar completed his MBBS, DPM, DNB [psych], DIP in India followed by MRCPsych in UK and Specialist Registrar Training in General Adult Psychiatry / Addiction Psychiatry. He is currently working as a Consultant Psychiatrist in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Mental Health Trust, Cambridgeshire in UK.He is happily married and blessed with two children. 7.Dr.Sakila completed her MBBS, MD[psych], DPM from India followed by MRCPsych. She is currently working as a Specialist Registrar In Psychiatry in Sheffield, UK. She has one child. 8.Dr.Senthurjeyamurugan completed his MBBS, MD[RD], DMRD in India followed by FRCR in UK and is currently working as a Locum consultant in Radiology in Walsall, Westmidlands, UK. He is leaving UK to do a fellowship in Interventional Radiology in Miami, USA in two months. He is happily married and blessed with two children. 9.Dr.Sriraman completed his MBBS,MD[Internal Medicine] from India followed by MRCP,PhD[Diabetes & Endocrinology ].He is currently working as a Specialist Registrar in Diabetes & Endocrinology in Poole, UK. He is happily married with two children. 10.Dr.Sundarajan completed his MBBS, MD[Internal Medicine] from India followed by MRCP. He is currently working as a Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine in Liverpool, UK.He is happily married and blessed with two children. Please post it in the website. -- Dr.K.Ramesh Shankar, MBBS,MRCPsych[UK], DPM,DNB[psych],DIP,FIPS, Consultant Psychiatrist, Cambridgeshire&Peterborough Mental Health NHS Trust, UNITED KINGDOM.
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Hi All TvMCiates in UK,
Make sure you are available for our meet on the 10th of May.
K.Ramesh shankar [ 1984 -90 batch ]