Dr.Muthurajan 1997 - 2003 Batch writes in
.. am doing MD.Anaesthesia in Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and research,Chandigarh. will update further when ever posible With regards Dr.muthurajan He has written an article
Incidence of backpain after spinal anaesthesia in lower segment caesarean section. will be published in Anaesthesia & Analgesia,next year.Now am doing outcome and effects of spinal anaesthesia in 1- 5 year old children with mild propofol sedation.
He has also presented a paper
in Indian association of cardiothoracic anaesthesia (IACTA) 10th annual international conference held in PGIMER,Chandigarh in feb 2007,
Labels: 1997to2003_Batch, Alumni_Messages
Y only one photo for this batch. Can any one post more photos, if you have the one!!!