Sunday, October 29, 2006 |
Scott's Pedia-TRICKS
Scott's Pedia-TRICKS
“Written by the students, For the students” 
Second edition, 2009, Rs.595 MRP
Edited by :
- Dr. Julius Scott
- Pediatric Oncologist,
Women's and Children's hospital
Available in :
For copies contact :
- parasmedicalbooks@gmail.com
- jxscott@hotmail.com
Review (by a Paediatrician):
- This is a comprehensive guide for paediatric university practical examination (For undergraduates and postgraduates). There are many books in the market that is useful for the exam in paediatrics. Scott's Pedia-TRICKS stands unique in that the author specifically says that it is “Written by the students, For the students”. After going through the book it is felt in every page. The book has maintained its style throughout.
- This book includes detailed history taking of all the pediatric exam cases for undergraduates and postgraduates. This also gives an elaborate discussion of all cases, topic wise with the common questions asked during the presentation. Difficult topics like paraplegia in children, neurodegenerative disorder, and hepatosplenomegaly - approach are all written in a different and practical way.
- There is a detailed discussion for developmental assessment and also a separate “Newborn” chapter including all the short cases and spotters of neonatology. Elaborate chapter on “Tuberculosis” whatever a student need from exam point of view is also available in this book.
- The second part of book includes whatever needed for the orals which is, exam x-rays with detailed legends, vaccines related questions with answers, instruments and drugs kept in orals, description of procedures asked in the exam, questions asked in the nutrition/emergency viva voce, lists of nutrition items kept for orals and their nutritive values and also the separate chapter on social programmes.
- The list of long, short cases and spotters (both for UGs/PGs) with list of pathology slides and specimens kept for pediatric exams is definitely of very useful for students.
- The university theory question bank for PGs and UGs and separate chapter on psychological preparation for a pediatric clinical exam will be definitely appreciated by all the students
- Above all the author has also declared that the profit from the book is meant for the benefit of poor children, which makes the purpose very noble than just commercial and business.
- One of the main advantages of this book is that is packed with information, which has been presented in points, so that it can be easily remembered by both undergraduate/post graduate students and also the way of presentation is like somebody teaching with timely jokes makes one to read without boring and easy to remember.
- This book is a good ready reference for postgraduates and undergraduates of pediatrics.
Labels: 1988to1994_Batch, Academic, Alumni_Messages, Books
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 11:45 PM   |
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Dr.AnnlineNirmala (1992-1998) and Dr. Arul Vijaykumar (1991-1997)
Dr.AnnlineNirmala (1992-1998) and Dr. Arul Vijaykumar ( 1991-1997) worked in Midlands, UK for two years and they are back in Chennai for the past year.
- Dr Arul Vijaykumar MS DNB (CTS) is a cardiothoracic surgeon at Apollo Hospitals.
- Dr.AnnlineNirmala MD ObG MRCOG is a medical advisor with Hindustan latex Limited, which comes under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
They are currently based in Velachery, Chennai. Labels: 1991to1997_Batch, 1992to1998_Batch, Alumni_Messages, Present_Position
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 12:45 AM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 7 comments: |
hi viji and nimmi its me fatima nelofer. how r u guys. i just found about this website. cool. i want to contact lots of our batchmates. i am in uk.
hi nilofer, this is chitra. how r u? what r u doing? i am in chennai now doing DM Gastroenterology. want to hear from u soon.
hi chitra... nice to hear from u...great gal DM gastro. good for u. i am in plymouth UK and in radiology training. great in here...lots of fun. got two kids afreen and fardeen...life is tickling along. i will try to send some pictures of us soon...bye for now..take care . keep in touch. my id is nelofergafoor@gmail.com
Hi i am SELVA, hope every one of our batch is happily settled some where in this global village. I am now in our ALMAMATAR TVMC from 2nd April 2008 as Assistant Professor in Forensic Medicine. I am in contact with Moses,Kamatchi,Marimuthu,Sankar ganesh,Anitha,R.Raji,Great eligible bach Kumerasan,Sivanupandian & many of our juniors.My id drselva1974@gmail.com, my no 9842354440,9942698404. I am seriously thinking about doing another pg.Of late missing many of my classmates. Hi Nelofer where is Sindhu, What she is doing.I wished to ask unconditional apology for not talked to her for 4years (92 to 95)that still pricks me when i think about our classmates.
hi nimmi, i am Ananth Chellaram
Nice to find you at this site. It would be my pleasure to have you spill some words at ananthchellaram@yahoo.co.in
find you soon.
hi iam anitha iam staying at pudukkottai near tiruchy i have two chella kuttys iam happy to see our classmate messages hope to see all of u in near future
Hi Dr.Selva .. You are professor of Forensic Medicine at TvMC na ? Why another PG ?
Saturday, October 21, 2006 |
Dr.Julius Scott (1988 to 1994 Batch)
Dr.Julius Scott (1988 to 1994 Batch), native of Nagerkoil joined CMC,Vellore and finished DCH,MD and became lecturer in Pediatrics. At present he is on a study leave and doing his fellowship in Pediatric Oncology in Adelaide. He had published a book Scott's PaediaTRICKS for pediatric practical exam which is available in Tirunelveli cooperatvie stores and Higginbothams and also Eagle book stall
In a mail to Nellaimedicos, He says I have thanked my tirunelveli teachers in the book I have also included jokes and dialogues from tamil cinema and politics which obivously part of our life in TVMC After i saw your website i had my evergreen memories woken up from the base of my heart
Read about his book Scott's PaediaTRICKS here Read about his batch and batch mates here Read about other books written by Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni here
Labels: 1988to1994_Batch, Alumni_Messages, Alumni_Opinion, Present_Position
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 7:35 PM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 1 comments: |
My name is Joseph Kamalesh and i am a student and avid fan of the great Julius Scott. I had a very small and inconspiquous part to play in the creation of " Scott's Peadiatrics" and it gives me great satisfaction to see the name of the book spreading far and wide. We at CMC are extremely fortunate to have such a great teacher among us but whatever said and done the cheers to TVMC to have produced such a personality . May his book proclaim "Paediatrics" far and wide and may his exemplory skills produce more and more books of the same calibre to benefit students all around the globe. All the best sir.
How to Send your Books for Review
We present you the reviews of books that has been send to us for evaluation. Publishers and authors can send the book by post and get it reviewed by our team.
- The book will reviewed by our team (or one of the member concerned with that speciality) and the review posted at this page.
- This is a FREE service and there is no charge for the review or for the post. Our aim is to make the books that are released known to the student community. While preparing for PG Entrance, we had a difficulty of not knowing the latest GOOD books as most of the books will be available only in cities like Delhi and Chennai. All we had in ourbook stores was Salgunan and Bhatia.
- Medical Books and books that can be used for Exam preparation (like books on time management etc) are more appropriate in this site.
- You can yourself post a detailed message yourself at our discussion boards. However, we can give a review in a more pleasing format in color and can even include the image of cover or few pages of the book, if needed.
- Please note that since our team members are practitioners, it will take from 7 to 10 working days after receipt of the book for the book to be reviewed. Please post a message in the comment below and include your E-Mail to know the exact address to which the books are to be send.
- Any one (author, publisher etc) can send the books
For the Current Review please visit Nellaimedicos TargetPG Book Review Section
If you are a TvMC Alumni, please inform us about your Achievements in Academic field and Professional Field. Click here to post a message and Inform us about the books you have written.Labels: Pages
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 7:11 PM   |
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006 |
96 Batch - 2006 Meet - Preliminary Meeting Details
Larif, myself, Sudagar, Karthi met at our Good Old CRRI Quarters on 15th October Evening and then had Dinner at Hotel Aryaas. Karthi had just come to Nellai after his practical exams on 13th by Guruvayoor Express that evening.
We have decided to
- Collect Contact details of all the batchmates
- To inform them that we are conducting a reunion at TvMC Auditorium
(24/12/2006)17/12/2006 Sunday
- Send them a preliminary mail
Masters of the Millennium (1996 to 2002 Batch)will be meeting for the first time after graduating from the college at Abinaya A/c Hall, Hotel Aryaas, Tirunelveli on 17th Decemeber 2006, Sunday 9:30 AM
The original meet was scheduled at 20-06-2006 that had been postponed because many guys had their exams in September and many others were busy with their (or spouse's) TNPSC counseling, and joining duty in new places.
The date has been decided as 24/12/2006 17/12/2006 Sunday. 9:30 AM to 2 PM. Since the next day is Christman, a govt holiday, it will be easy for every one to travel back Since 24th comes along with Christmas, many people asked for the date to be changed to another day. Venue : Abinaya A/c Hall, Hotel Aryaas, Tirunelveli. We will let you know whether it will be Auditorium (we have to get permission for that from the present Dean) or Some other place like Hotel Aryaas (like our Pre Final Farewell in Feb 2000)
A Preliminary Meeting (to decide about other details) was held on 15th October will be held next week in Tirunelveli. The exact time,date and venue is not yet decided. Larif, me, Sudagar, Baalamurugan, Elayaraja, Karthikeyan are in or around Nellai. Any one else who can join, please contact 98421 11725 and let us know
We need to decide the following
- Program Schedule
- Events
- Menu for Lunch
- Arrangement for Accomodation
- Sending Invitations
- Any Games etc
Suggestion welcome. The reason for posting this also in the Alumni Association page (in addition to TvMC 96) is to get suggestions from the senior batches regarding the conduct of reunion.
Seniors who have already organised such events may please spare a couple of minutes to tell us what to do and the common pitfalls etc
- We have booked the Abinaya A/c Hall at Hotel Aryaas.
- We have arranged for Photos / Videos
Suggestions for Event Organization Needed !!
Further Updates at First Re Union / Batch meet of Masters of Millennium at Hotel Aryaas, Tirunelveli, 17th December 2006 SundayLabels: 1996to2002_Batch, Alumni_Meet, Alumni_Messages, Reunion
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 7:09 AM   |
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1996 Batch at UK - Update from Vijay
Dr.Vijay (1996 Batch) writes from UK
- Firstly abt me, I have MRCPCH (thats MRCP Paediatrics) in Feb'06. .
- Parvath
- He doing Anaesthesia at the moment in Portsmouth, UK.
- Suntharasivam
- He has completed MRCS in May'06, looking for Specialist Registrar jobs. He is currently working as a Senior House Officer in Coventry.
- Leo
- He is working as Senior House Officer in Medicine in Stockport.
- Dinesh
- He is in the process of becoming a GP.
- Karthikeyan
- He is working as a Specialist Registrar in Oxford Deanery.
Labels: 1996to2002_Batch, Alumni_Messages, Alumni_Opinion, Present_Position
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 6:56 AM   |
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EXCELSIORS Batch 2007 Meet
Message from Dr.Shanmugam
WE INVITE ALL THE EXCELSIORS BATCH (1992-1998) TO JOIN IN OUR GROUP http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmcexcelsiors/ AS WE PLANNED OUR 2007 MEET PRELIM WORKS ARE GOING ON BUT LOTS TO GO. WE NEED ALL YOUR SUGGESTIONS AND WISHLabels: 1992to1998_Batch, Alumni_Meet, Alumni_Messages, Reunion
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 6:34 AM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 1 comments: |
Hi Chembi. This is Nimmi. Congratulations on becoming a dad.
Do let me know if I can help in any way.
Mailing Groups of Tirunelveli Medical College
The Official Group of Alumni Association
- http://groups.google.com/group/tvmc
Old Group for TvMC Alumni
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmcalumni
Group for TvMC Doctors in UK
- http://groups.google.com/group/tvmcinuk
77 - 83
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nellaimedicos77
83 - 89
- http://groups.google.com/group/tvmc1983batch
85 - 91
- http://groups.google.com/group/tvmc1985
90 - 96 Jubiliants
91 - 97 Celestials
92 - 98 Excelsiors & Gargantuans
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmcexcelsiors/
93 - 99 Please inform us
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmcbatch93-99/
94 - 00 Dazzling Dragons
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmc94
95 - 01 Centurions
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Centurionstvmc/
96 - 02 Masters of Millennium
- http://groups.google.com/group/tvmc96
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmc96
- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mom96
97 - 03 Immaculates
98 - 04 Zenforians
99 - 05 Insignius
- http://in.groups.yahoo.com/group/insignius/
00 - 06 Truculents
01 - 07 Verasians
02 - 08 Rampants
03 - 09 Philistines
04 - 10 Xorticanz
05 - 11 YGDrasilerz /WRAGORIANZ (Please confirm your batchname)
Tirunelveli Medical College
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=11850038
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=15228598
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=11779999
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=14850955
TvMC Rocks
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=20449717
House of Lords
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=24391944
Revolutionary TvMC
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=24927663
TvMC Tour Groups
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=30879607
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=23487856
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=24744508
TvMC 96 Masters 0f the Millennium
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=21443698
TvMC 97 Immaculates
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=31894013
TvMC 03 Philistines
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=22426547
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=20776995
TvMC 06-07 Batch
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=25418991 (ZtrigarianZ)
- http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=38546813 (AUDAZIANZ)
Labels: Pages
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 6:26 AM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 2 comments: |
Hi This is Vignesh(1994-2000)dazzling dragon batch. The official group for our batch is tvmc94@yahoogroups.com bye
This is Mashil(1985-91) from People of Pride batch.Our yahoo group is http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/tvmc1985/
The official email is tvmc1985@yahoogroups.com
Friday, October 13, 2006 |
Location of Few Primary Health Centres
Click here to see few Primary Health Centres and the name of our Alumni who is working / who have worked in the past
1. Ottanatham Primary Health Centre 2. Puthiamputhur Primary Health Centre 3. Pasuvanthanai Primary Health Centre 4. S.Kailasapuram Primary Health Centre And finally, if you want to see the place you studied, click the link below
Satellite Image of Tirunelveli Medical College giving a Bird's Eye ViewLabels: 1992to1998_Batch, 1994to2000_Batch, 1996to2002_Batch, 1997to2003_Batch, 1998to2004_Batch, 1999to2005_Batch, DPH, Working_Places
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 6:37 AM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 0 comments: |
Friday, October 06, 2006 |
Leicester meeting 2006
Update from Dr.Srinivasa Raghavan
- More than 50 families attended the meeting from batch 80s to Millennium.
- Well done Dr. Abu bakkar( small), Ramesh Shankar, and Abu Bakkar (big).
- Minutes of previous meeting was read by Dr.Nanthakumar (Nanthu-small).
- Dance by Santosh Kumar's (86 batch) daughter was excellent.
- The football match in the evening was very entertaining too.
- There was a birthday boy in the meeting.
- Mukund (Son of Srinivasa Raghavan 87 batch) celebrated his 5th birthday.
- It was agreed that the next meeting will be arranged by Naghadev and Sivalingham (88 batch).
Click herefor the Photo Album of 2006 September Leicester ReUnion of Tirunelveli Medical College Alumni in UK.

 Labels: Alumni_Meet, Alumni_Messages, Overseas, Reunion
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 7:52 AM   |
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
Overall 2nd place in VYUHA
Our college got overall 2nd place in the intercollege cultural fiesta VYUHA held at Madurai. Congratulations to the Team that has done that. If you can sent in the details and photos, we can host in this site. Labels: Culturals
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 8:15 PM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 1 comments: |
sir, the link below has photos of our cultural team at PSG MEDICAL COLLEGE & MADURAI MEDICAL COLLEGE
our college also has a music band CHROMOSOME M whose videos have been uploaded in youtube. u cn watch it by searching as "tirunelveli medical college"
Sunday, October 01, 2006 |
Jeyaraj D Pandian MD DM
Hi! anyone from 86-90 batch, Want to have a chat
Jeyaraj D Pandian MD DM Stroke Fellow, Stroke Unit Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Herston Road, BRISBAN, Queensland Australia 4029 email: jeyarajpandian@yahoo.co.inLabels: Alumni_Messages, Alumni_Opinion, To_be_further_edited
posted by Doctor Bruno @ 5:44 AM   |
Discussion Forum: At present this post has 3 comments: |
The website is fantastic!
The website is fantastic! Looking forward for more news from the college!
Hi Pandian,
We belong to 1984 - 90 batch machi please dont try to hide your age we are all getting older. just a kadi
Ramesh shankar
hi viji and nimmi
its me fatima nelofer. how r u guys. i just found about this website. cool. i want to contact lots of our batchmates. i am in uk.