Papers : - Krishna G and Raffin TA. The Dying Thoracic Patient. Chest Surgery Clinics of North America Aug 1998. Vol 8; 3:723-739.
- Krishna G and Raffin TA. Patient responses during terminal weaning from mechanical ventilation: A prospective study. Editorial.1999. Critical Care Medicine.27(1):9-10.
- Krishna G, Berry G, Rosen G, Kao PN and Raffin TA.1999. Update on the treatment of Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. Vol.6(2):126-132.
- Krishna G and Iyer RR. Animal models of Rheumatic Fever.1999 In “Rheumatic Fever” eds.Narula J,Virmani R, Reddy KS, Tandon R.American Registry of Pathology,Washington DC.195- 215.
- Krishna G and Raffin TA. Consultations and Comments. Uses of Pulse Oximetry in an Office Practice. Consultant. May 1999; 1327-1328.
- Krishna G, Liu, K, Shigemitsu, H, Gao M, and Rosen GD. PG490-88, a derivative of triptolide, blocks bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis.American Journal of Pathology. Vol.158,No.3, 2001.997-1004
- Angelloti T, Krishna G, Scott J, Berry G and Weinacker A. Nodular invasive tracheobronchitis due to Aspergillus in a patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. Lupus 2002; 11: 325-328.
- Krishna, G and Raffin, TA. Withdrawal of Life Support in Sepsis and Multiple Organ dysfunction. (eds) Deitch EA, Vincent JL, Windsor A.WB Saunders.2002. pp. 485-488.
- Krishna G and Chitkara RK. Osseous Kaposi’s sarcoma.JAMA. 2003 Mar 5;289(9):1106.
- Krishna G and Chitkara RK. Pneumonic Plague. Semin Respir Infect. 2003 Sep;18(3):159-67.
- Krishna G and Chitkara RK.Outcomes Management in Emphysema: What is the Role of the Primary Care Physician. Journal of Disease Management & Health Outcomes. 2002.
- Krishna, G and Chitkara RK.New Therapies for COPD. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2004 Mar;13(3):255-67
- Sankaranarayan,V,Krishna,G,Gould,MK and Chitkara,RK.Disseminated Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer Associated with Infliximab Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. 12(2):115-120, March 2005.
- Krishna G and Chitkara, RK. Parasitic Pulmonary Eosiniphilia. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical care medicine. 2006. Vol 27, No. 2. 171- 184.
- Krishna G. Nutritional support of the critically ill patient. American College of Chest Physicians Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Update. Vol. 20.2006.
- Katikireddy CK, Krishna G, Berry G, Faul J, Kuschner W. A 24-year old woman with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, pericardial effusion and bilateral pleural effusions. Chest 2005; 128 (6):4013-4017.
- Katikireddy C, Krishna G, Keiffer T ,Kuschner WG.and Rosen G : A 35 Year-Old - Man With Fever, Dyspnea, And Diffuse Reticular Opacities. Chest .2006; 129(2):482-487.
- Krishna G. Chitkara RK.Performing PFT's: Technical mistakes and pitfalls. American College of Chest Physicians Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Update. Vol. 21. 2006.
- Krishna G and Chitkara RK. Advances in the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Expert opinion on Pharmacotherapy. (in press).
[B] Podium*/Poster§ /Grand Rounds$ Presentations : - §Baughman RP, Rosen G, Horton J, swigris J, Jacobs S, Krishna G, Polito AJ, Danoff SK, Lower EE. Thalidomide for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis:An open label trial. ATS. 2005, San Diego, California.
- *Krishna G, Liu K, Rosen GD. PG490-88, A derivative of Triptolide, blocks lung fibrosis in a bleomycin mouse model. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 2000.
- *Krishna G, Liu K, Rosen GD. PG490-88, A derivative of Triptolide, blocks pulmonary fibrosis in human lung fibroblasts. Young Leaders in Pulmonary Medicine conference. San Antonio, TX. June 14-17, 2001.
- *Sunew J, Iyer RR and Krishna G. Silent Myocardial Infarction presenting as Embolic Visceral Infarcts. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1996.
- *Krishna G, Eves W, Iyer RR and Wagner RP. Diffuse Infiltrative Lymphocytosis as an Immunogenetic Host Response to HIV Antigen. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1995.
- §Krishna G, Wenger L and. Feinsod M. A Case Report of Legionnaire’s Disease with rhabdomyolysis and hyperbilirubinemia. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1995.
- §Krishna G, Chandra S and Wagner RP. Disseminated Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) With Skeletal Involvement. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1996.
- §Krishna G The Perils and Pitfalls of Polypharmacy: A Case Report of Lovastatin, Cyclosporine and Erythromycin induced Rhabdomyolysis. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1996.
- §Krishna G, Kingslow L and Hasselquist S. Necrotizing Tracheo-bronchitis caused by Invasive Aspergillosis in an AIDS patient. Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, 1996.
- $ Krishna G, The Perils and Pitfalls of Polypharmacy: Grand Rounds. George Washington University, Washington DC. June 1995.
- $ Krishna G. Partial Liquid Ventilation in Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Grand Rounds. PaloAlto VA Medical Center. December 1997.
- $.Krishna G. Drug Induced Pulmonary Diseases. Grand Rounds.PaloAlto VA Medical Center September 1998.
- $.Krishna G. Current Trends in the Diagnosis and management of Pulmonary Fibrosis. Grand Rounds.PaloAlto VA Medical Center. March 2000.
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